Shipments are FOB MyTana LLC in St. Paul, MN.
We strive to ship within 48 hours (M-F) of receiving your order on standard catalog products. Many times shipments are made the same day.
- Due to high demand, some products may require few extra days for us to ship. We make every effort to note this on the product pages.
- Backordered products are shipped when we have them in stock. Call our office to get an estimate of wait times.
Most products within the continental US ship UPS Ground, minimum freight charges apply.
Larger items ship via common carrier. Freight charges are subject to change at any time.
Next Day Air and 2nd Day Air shipping is also available at premium market rates. These shipments must be received by noon CST (M-F) in order to make the timing you expect. Orders with express shipping received after 12pm will likely leave our factory the following business day.
- We are not able to offer expedited shipping on online orders. If you need rush delivery, please call to place your order.