Brass pear-shaped blade holder for pear shaped blades

Brass Pear-Shaped Blade Holder


Brass mounting block for our 1″ wide pear-shaped blades only. 2 piece brass bracket holds blades securely.

Standard model includes a threaded-end style bolt, lock washer and nut (as shown).
Slip-joint, interlocking, General and Ridgid blocks also available – call for information.


This BH500 is our brass Mounting Block that holds our pear-shaped blades. The 2-piece brass bracket has a wider arc that securely holds our 1″ wide pear-shaped blades.

Standard model includes a threaded-end style bolt, lock washer and nut. Slip joint, interlocking, General and Ridgid blocks also available. Call for information.

This block is included in our Pear Shaped Blade Pack.

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